How do Microphones and Loudspeakers Work


How do Microphones and Loudspeakers Work

Though they have their differences and different uses, 

They are all transducers: Converting soundwaves to an electrical signal. 

The dynamic microphone is the most common used. These work using electromagnetic induction. 

Soundwaves hit a thin diaphragm which causes it to move. This diaphragm is attached to a coil, surrounded by a magnet. This magnet creates a magnetic field around the coil. 

The soundwaves hitting the diaphragm are moving the coil, and the coil’s movement past the magnet creates an electrical current. 

This electrical current is your sound signal. 

Loudspeakers work in reverse. Here the incoming sound signal moves the coil, which in turn moves the diaphragm, creating soundwaves.

So that is How do Microphones and Loudspeakers Work.

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